Why Perfection is a Myth (and Progress is Totally Sexy)

Why Perfection is a Myth (and Progress is Totally Sexy)
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ / Unsplash

Ever feel like you're stuck on the hamster wheel of "shoulds" and "supposed-tos"? You're not alone. Our society throws the word "perfection" around like confetti and 'instagram vs reality' is the bain of our existence, let's be honest – it's fucking exhausting. Here's the truth (that we all know, but often forget)

Perfection is a myth.

Think about it. Have you ever met someone who's absolutely perfect at everything? Yeah, me either. We're all a glorious mess of strengths, weaknesses, quirks, and passions. It's these very imperfections that make us unique and so interesting. I love these things in people way more than I like their perfectly curated lives.

So, why do we spend so much time chasing this mythical ideal when it usually leads to two not-so-great options:

  • Analysis Paralysis: We get so bogged down in the details and fear of not being good enough, or failure, that we never even start. (Anyone else familiar with the "I'll start being healthy next Monday" cycle?)
  • Burnout: We push ourselves to the limit trying to achieve these impossible standarde, leading to stress, exhaustion, and eventually giving up altogether.

There's a better way. A fierce AF way.

Progress, not perfection, is what makes life truly exciting. It's about taking that first step, celebrating the little wins, and learning from the inevitable setbacks. It's about showing up, even when you feel imperfect, and doing the damn thing anyway, even if it's not perfect.

Here's the secret: progress is sexy. There's a quiet power in taking consistent action, no matter how small, towards your goals. Each step forward, each challenge overcome, builds your confidence, and fuels your desire for more.

But how do you actually make progress happen?

That's where Fiercefolks Coaching comes in. I can help you ditch the perfectionist mindset and embrace the messy shitshow of growth in all its chaotic glory.

Here's what you can expect:

  • A supportive community: We're all in this together. You'll be surrounded by like-minded, legendary individuals who understand the struggles and celebrate the victories. (Think of us as your personal cheer squad!)
  • A personalised roadmap: I'll work with you to identify your goals, big or small, and create a plan that fits your unique needs and lifestyle.
  • Accountability: Let's face it, sometimes we all need a little nudge to stay on track. We'll be there to hold you accountable and help you overcome obstacles.

Whether you choose group coaching or personalised 1:1 coaching, Fiercefolks can help you:

  • Advocate for you: Discover and stand by what you believe and feel, learn to harness your voice, and get what you need and want.
  • Crush your career goals: Get that promotion, launch your dream business, or finally find a job you love.
  • Master your relationships: Build stronger connections with loved ones, set healthy boundaries, and navigate conflict with confidence.
  • Develop unshakeable self-confidence: Ditch the self-doubt and step into your authentic life.
  • Live a life that truly lights you up: Discover your passions, step outside your comfort zone, and create a life you're excited to wake up to every day.

Ready to ditch perfection and embrace progress? I'd love to have you join the Fiercefolks tribe! Head over to the website to learn more about group coaching programs and 1:1 coaching options.

Remember, your potential is limitless. Let's unlock it, together.

P.S. Still feeling a little hesitant? Sign up for a free consultation! We can chat about your goals and see if Fiercefolks is the right fit for you.

See you on the flip side!

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