Who am I as a person, as a coach?

I'm Rachel. I am a daughter, a girlfriend, a friend, an aunt, a sister, a director, a colleague, a pain in the ass, a dog lover, a book collector, a ceramicist, a migrant, I am child-free by choice, a left-leaning-woke-literati-guardian-reading-avocado-eating-millenial. I'm an extroverted introvert. I am a proud feminist and try to be a good ally to all my LGBTQIA+ pals. I believe trans women are women and trans men are men. I believe abortion is healthcare. I do the learning. I understand and acknowledge my privilege as a white woman. I acknowledge that I am often wrong about a lot of things and I like to be held accountable and to lean in to do better next time. I don't believe in manifestation because, quite simply, not everyone 'can be anything they want' because of social injustice and inequality.
I try to give zero fucks about what people think about me (thank you 30's for bringing me this freedom) and zero fucks about which Kardashian has made the news once again, or what Harry and Meghan are up to - these are not the headlines I have the time or mental energy for (no shade if you do). I give a million fucks about the people around me and what is going on in Palestine, The Congo, Sudan, Rwanda, the global warming crisis, the cost of living crisis in the UK and everywhere else right now, abortion rights in the USA, and lack of access to safe and affordable healthcare for the masses. I care about how the systems that we believe are there to protect us are actually just there to oppress us. I care so much it often keeps me awake at night.
I am angry at the injustice of what is happening globally, and also at home to people I know and love. I am angry that the men in power never seem to learn from history. I am most angry that the men in power get to dictate women's lives and have control over our bodies, which we as women, barely understand how to advocate for as it is. I am angry that there's a shit load of billionaires flying around in private jets (yet Taylor Swift is the only one who seems to repeatedly get called out for this? Funny that). I am angry that the men in power (and I will keep saying this because, whilst 'not all men', the majority of people in power are men) keep us distracted with this bullshit so that we don't see the sly and shady shit they actually get up to behind the scenes, so that we don't learn how to dismantle their rigged systems that keep us down, and them in their comfortable little lives.
So, how does this translate into who I am as a coach?
I am all of these things and more as a coach, because I am also a human. These are the kinds of topics that I think are important to consider holistically when working with clients. My coaching style is not the same as the coaches who support CEOs to get the most out of their day, or that of a coach who is supporting you through a career transition. I'm not the same as coach who will help you build your confidence. Not because we work on different topics - but because we are all individuals and no two coaches would coach a client in the same way. We have our unique personalities and experiences that will influence our approach to coaching.
If I had to say I was one type of coach I would struggle because of everything I've talked about above. I've even spent the first year of coaching actually trying to figure this out for myself (thank you for bearing with me through this time - I love that you're still here). Ultimately, I am a coach who is aware of the impact that class, race, religion, age and gender can have on your individual experiences. I am coach who wants to meet you where you are, and not try to make you fit into the mould of what an 'ideal client' might look like. One thing I do try to be, first and foremost, is a feminist coach. This is because I primarily work with women on self-advocacy. Not because I am a man-hating, angry feminist (you know the trope). I am fucking angry, I think I have already made that pretty clear, but I don't hate men. The majority of them are also bound by, and often unaware of, the patriarchial systems our society has built and nurtured for them and they (if they are willing to do the work) also deserve support to break those down.
But what is a feminist coach? There are probably a million answers to that, just as there are a fuck load of feminist coaches out there online. And as I've just alluded to, that's because there are a million and one ways to identify as a feminist too. I will say this though, (JK, I'm looking at you when I say this), IF YOUR FEMINISM DOESN'T INCLUDE TRANS WOMEN OR WOMEN OF COLOUR, THEN IT'S NOT TRULY FEMINISM. I also personally believe there are some unhelpful types of feminism (#GIRLBOSS, #SHE-E-O vomit-inducing...) as well as genuinely harmful types (trans-exclusionary radical feminism).
This blog is specifically about how I personally define feminism and feminist coaching and to give you a chance to decide if I might be the coach for you. If I'm not, no hard feelings, there will be someone out there who is more closely aligned with your personal values.
What is feminism?
Smashing the Patriarchy:
Jokes, it is partially about that, but my feminism is all about collective liberation. We're in this together, fighting for the equal rights and inherent worth of every single person. The status quo? We're here to dismantle it, brick by oppressive brick.
Intersectionality is Not a Buzzword, it's the Blueprint:
This is not your grandma's feminism (though, it is bullshit we're still fighting for the most basic rights all these years later). We're dismantling ALL systems of oppression. Sexism is just the tip of the iceberg. Racism, heterosexism, transphobia, classism, ableism, fatphobia and more. We're coming for those too.
Lifting the Voices That Have Been Silenced:
Marginalised voices are the heart of this feminism. We listen, we learn, we amplify. Every story matters, every experience fuels our fire for change.
Beyond the Glass Ceiling:
Forget leaning in, we're burning down the whole fucking building at this point. A feminist future isn't about a few women at the top, it's about tearing down these power structures entirely so they can be rebuilt with equity and equality. We envision a world where everyone thrives, not just the privileged few.
Bin the Ladder, Build a Community:
Forget the climb, we're building a new path. We're throwing out the hierarchical ladder of patriarchy and replacing it with a web of support. In this world, we value humanity, equity, care, and community. We hold ourselves and each other accountable because true liberation is a collective effort.
So how is a feminist coach different to another coach?
Life coaching is about creating a life that feels fulfilling. However, traditional life coaching often ignores how societal structures can hold us back. That's where feminist life coaching comes in.
As a feminist coach, I believe in dismantling oppressive systems that limit your potential. We'll work together to identify and unlearn patriarchal or societal conditioning that might be holding you down. This isn't about some vague self-help platitudes and manifesting your dreams into reality.
My coaching is about actionable strategies to:
- Identify Your Internal Oppressor: Let's expose the patriarchal and societal conditioning that's holding you back. We'll unearth the beliefs keeping you stuck, overwhelmed, and feeling like you're not enough.
- Radical Self-Love as Fuel: Lose the guilt trips, it's time for some fierce self-compassion. We'll cultivate unwavering self-acceptance to empower you to take action towards your goals.
- Redefine Success on Your Terms: Fuck societal expectations. We'll define success based on what truly matters to you, not the pre-scripted narrative.
- Building Resilience for the Long Haul: This journey won't always be easy. We'll develop tools to navigate challenges and stay on course, even when things get tough.
Feminism is the foundation of my coaching practice.
Here's why:
- You Are Worthy. Dignity and compassion are your birthright, not rewards. Forget needing to prove yourself or needing to be "fixed." You are not broken. You're inherently worthy, just as you are.
- Individual Growth with a Systemic Punch. Personal transformation is amazing, but it's not enough. We'll acknowledge how systems create problems, not just individuals. This is about lasting change and not temporary fixes.
- You Are Not to Blame. Stop feeling like your struggles are your fault. Shame and blame are primary tools of the patriarchy, keeping you from challenging the real problems. We'll build self-compassion so you can focus on taking action.
- Compassion, Not Tough Love: Forget the "tough love" bullshit. You deserve endless wells of support, not harsh judgment. I'll empower you with compassion, teaching you to extend it to yourself and others.
- Empowerment, Not Colonialism: We ditch the "empowered woman lifts up other woman" trope. It's rooted in control and colonialist power. My role is to co-create a space for you to discover your own power and advocate brilliantly for yourself based on your needs.
- Consent is Key: Your comfort matters to me. This is your journey. You set the goals and pace, and I'm here to check in and make sure our coaching relationship feels safe and supportive to you. I cannot say I am a safe space for you, only you get to decide that for yourself, but I hope to be able to create somewhere that you can truly show up, get vulnerable, and feel heard.
How do I Run FierceFolks as a Feminist Business?
- A traditional business model is almost entirely about revenue. It addresses how to get money from customers, and how to re-distribute it into back the business and into the owners’ and shareholders’ personal wealth.
- A feminist business model also addresses how to earn money. But it cares as much or more about how it does it in a way that demonstrates its values and in a way that helps to positively change the world.
In my business, this means that I strive to walk the talk of my values. This looks like:
- Changing the world. The way I feel empowered to contribute to this enormous goal is through my coaching. Each single person I help unlearn harmful conditioning and redefine success on their terms represents one more tiny chip out of the wall of patriarchy.
- Prioritising people over profits. My programs are offered on an equitable scale, and sometimes pro-bono, to make them available to as many people as possible. Ultimately, I care more about dismantling these systems than I do about making more money.
- Promoting justice. How I do my work, use my voice, and spend my money matters. In addition to offering coaching that chips away at patriarchal structures, I use my platform to speak up about feminist causes and to uplift marginalised voices. I often donate some of my profits to organisations that share my values.
The term feminist coach can many different things to many different people. But I hope this piece helps you understand what it means to me, and how it influences FierceFolks coaching.
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