Unleash Your Inner Coach: Dream BIG sugar.

Unleash Your Inner Coach:  Dream BIG sugar.
Photo by Nicole Saavedra / Unsplash

This worksheet is a great way of self-coaching. It's all about getting clear on what truly matters to YOU and the dreams you're burning to achieve.

Why This Matters: Knowing your core values is like having an internal compass. It helps you make big and small decisions aligned with what truly matters to you, keeping you focused and motivated on your goals (check out my previous blog on how to help define your core values) If, like me, you are a visual person then having your values, goals and dreams somewhere you can see them is scientifically proven to help you achieve them faster.

Part 1: Core Values

Your core values are the fundamental principles that guide your life. These are the things that are non-negotiable, the things that make you, you. Make sure you are clear on what your values are before you begin making your vision board.

Part 2: Vision Board

Get creative! A vision board is a powerful tool for visualising your dreams and goals. It serves as a constant reminder of what you're working towards, so keep it somewhere you will see it often. Here's what you'll need:

  • Pinterest/Canva or similar (if you prefer a digital version)
  • A poster board or large piece of card/paper
  • Magazines, newspapers, photos or any source of inspiring images
  • Scissors and glue


Flip through your magazines or search online. Find images that resonate with you and represent your ideal life in different areas, for example:

  • Life: Your home, your health, the spaces you occupy and want to be in long term.
  • Career: Images of your dream job, your passions and opportunities you want to be a part of to successful people in your field and inspirational folks.
  • Relationships: Friends, family, relationships. What do those look like, how do you see them showing up for you and you for them?
  • Experiences: Places you want to travel, adventures you want to have.
  • Personal Growth: Images that represent the kind of person you want to become.

Save or cut out the images that speak to you.

Arrange the images on your poster board. Take your time and create a layout that inspires you. It can be linear like a timeline, circular, chaotic, fun, logical - whatever speaks to you or feels right - there is no right or wrong answer here.

(Optional) Add your own words or embellishments. Write down affirmations, quotes, or anything else that motivates you to get there. It could be a phrase that reminds you of why you are making these changes, something you're aspiring to, or an end goal - anything you like that feels helpful.

Display your vision board somewhere prominent. Hang it on your wall, put it on your desk, save it as your desktop background or anywhere you'll see it regularly - the important thing is that you will see it at least several times a week.

Part 3: Dream Excavation

We all have dreams, those big, audacious desires that set our hearts on fire. But sometimes, fear or self-doubt keeps them buried. Now's your chance to unearth them! Take a deep breath and write down your BIGGEST dream. Don't hold back on account of practicality or fear of judgment. This is YOUR dream, and it's totally valid, no matter how crazy it might seem. Stick that post-it with your vision board.

Every time you see this vision board you'll be reminded of what you are working towards, how you're going to achieve that, what steps you need to take, what obstacles might come up that you'll need to work around. All of it becomes a part of the journey to you achieving or at least moving closer to your BIG dream.

Imagine how fucking excited you'll be in 6 months to look back at how far you've already come, or in 12 months when you can mentally tick off some of those images, or maybe it'll take 5 or even 10 years to make progress towards the BIG dream. Just remember that even if you only make it half way there, that's a HUGE step from where you will have started and something to be really fucking proud of.

Remember: There are no wrong answers here. Be honest, be bold, and fuck what everyone thinks. this is YOUR dream, not theirs. If you think telling people is going to have them rolling their eyes (been there, it's not so fun) then don't tell them until you're ready, or never if you prefer. It's not their dream and therefore none of their business. People who care about you will want to support you in your dreams and that support may be helpful in moving you forward - a support network can go a really long way in helping you stay accountable, supporting with the resources you need to achieve some of the steps along the way or even just for moral support along the way when you're finding it tough.

I am ALWAYS here to champion your dreams, whatever they may be, so I'd love to see any vision boards you create and if you ever need a chat I am here for that.

Go forth my beauties and collage like it's the 90's and you're covering your schoolbooks in cute boys from shit boybands. You'll have loads of fun and you might even surprise yourself with some of the things that end up on there.

Big loves x

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