The coach for people who don’t ‘do’ coaching...

There are not enough crystals or sage in the world for the levels of shit we’re living through right now. I'm not about the mystical phases of the planets or the manifesting hype – there are no magic potions here.
The coach for people who don’t ‘do’ coaching...

There are not enough crystals or sage in the world for the levels of shit we’re living through right now. I don't know about you, but I am exhausted.

I'm not about the mystical phases of the planets or the manifesting hype – there are no magic potions here. I'm all about raw, honest conversations. Let's dig deep to find what's holding you back because, the reality is, it's not a lack of positive thinking or personal failures. I understand that societal circumstances can deal us different cards in life and the impact these cards can have on us long term. Life can be fucking tough. It can make you question your worth and purpose, and it can make you feel like you're navigating a complex maze with no map. That's where I come in.

At FierceFolks, I'm all about helping you embrace your authentic self, challenge the norms that keep you feeling small and harness your inner fire. I’ve been in your shoes and felt the pressures and inequalities that life can throw our way; sexism, the patriarchy, systemic inequality, racism, classism - it all plays a part in holding us back. But we don't have to accept it, and the more of us actively challenging this, the louder our voices become.

I'm excited (and honestly really fucking nervous) to introduce something new starting in November. This newsletter is your gateway to a treasure trove of resources and wisdom: Monthly subscription coaching access. Maybe it'll work, maybe it'll flop, but I believe it's worth a try. 3 tiers, no long-term commitment, starting at the cost of a fancy coffee. By subscribing to one of these packages, you'll get access to:

🌟 Actionable Worksheets: Dive deep into self-discovery and growth, empowering you to identify and dismantle the barriers holding you back. If worksheets are your jam, they're here for you. And if they're not, no problem, you do you.

💬 Coaching Questions for Self-Reflection: Gain invaluable insights into your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations, helping you embrace your authenticity and confront the pressures hindering your progress.

🗓️ Monthly Group Session for Accountability: Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals in our monthly group Accountability Hour. It's a safe space to share your victories, challenges, and progress, receiving support and accountability from fellow FierceFolks.

🗓️ Monthly Group Session for Unleashing Your Rage: Our monthly group sessions are where you can release that pent-up frustration, share what's been gnawing at you, and ignite the fire that inspires change. It's like a virtual rage room, but with a purpose.

📚 Resources and Recommendations: Discover books, articles, and resources that nourish your soul and stimulate your mind. Knowledge is power, and I'm sharing content that will make you think and provide support.

💖 Special Offers and Exclusive Updates: As a member of my mailing list, you'll be the first to know about special offers, promotions, and new coaching packages. I'm here to ensure you have access to opportunities tailored to your needs.

💬 Q&A sessions: Have questions? I've got answers! Whether it's about coaching, a project, or just life in general, I'm here to support you.

My mission is clear. I'm here to provide affordable, no-nonsense coaching that creates a safe space for anyone who has ever felt excluded from traditional coaching spaces. Whether you're a creative freelancer or an employee at a huge organisation, someone navigating the complexities of societal norms, feeling lost, or just needing a space to collect your thoughts; I'm here to help you reclaim your voice and create the space you need to thrive.

Subscribe now to unlock all the good shit mentioned above (and don't forget to tell your mates).

Thank you for being part of this journey. I couldn't have gotten this far without each and every one of you.

Fiercely yours, and off for a nap now,

Founder & Coach at FierceFolks Coaching

P.S. Stay connected with me on Instagram @FierceFolks for doses of empowerment, insights, and the occasional dash of humour.

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