Rachel Gimbert

Rachel Gimbert

I'm Rachel (she/her). I'm an Amsterdam-based Self-advocacy & Confidence Coach. I help people who feel stuck with their identity or imposter syndrome or who struggle to advocate for themselves.
Is This Really Fucking It?

Is This Really Fucking It?

8 min read
When you get the ick with yourself and have to get over it because the world is bigger than you.

When you get the ick with yourself and have to get over it because the world is bigger than you.

2 min read
Can You Skip Sleep Entirely? Unveiling the Power of Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)

Can You Skip Sleep Entirely? Unveiling the Power of Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)

Imagine achieving a state of deep relaxation that rivals sleep, but with full consciousness. That's the essence of NSDR. Through guided audio instructions, you'll be led through a process of deep breathing and focused attention, allowing your mind and body to enter a profoundly restful state
3 min read
The Benefits of Morning Sunlight & How to Make it a Habit

The Benefits of Morning Sunlight & How to Make it a Habit

It may sound too good to be true, but much like the whole 'do exercise and you'll feel better' line, the mere act of getting sunlight in your eyes in the morning may be a game-changer for your health. And it's so. bloody. simple.
6 min read
Unleash Your Inner Coach: Brutal Honesty

Unleash Your Inner Coach: Brutal Honesty

Alright you little legend, buckle up. Self-awareness is key to unlocking your full potential. In this activity, we'll take a deep dive into your strengths, weaknesses, and those shitty limiting beliefs that might be holding you back.
2 min read
Who am I as a person, as a coach?

Who am I as a person, as a coach?

The term feminist coach can mean many different things to many different people. But I hope this piece helps you understand what it means to me, and how it influences FierceFolks coaching.
8 min read
Unleash Your Inner Coach:  Dream BIG sugar.

Unleash Your Inner Coach: Dream BIG sugar.

This worksheet is a great way of self-coaching. It's all about getting clear on what truly matters to
4 min read
Embrace the Beautiful Mess

Embrace the Beautiful Mess

Living on the edge? That's cute. My comfort zone? It's a cosy couch with a healthy
2 min read
ACTIVITY - Core Values: Unearthing Your Guiding Principles

ACTIVITY - Core Values: Unearthing Your Guiding Principles

This activity will take you on a journey to discover your core values, the fundamental beliefs that guide your life.
2 min read
Why Perfection is a Myth (and Progress is Totally Sexy)

Why Perfection is a Myth (and Progress is Totally Sexy)

Ever feel like you're stuck on the hamster wheel of "shoulds" and "supposed-tos"? You&
2 min read